This is my new hairstyle. For people who might read this who have not met me in person, or who have not known me long, it is likely not all that impressive. Let me just say, though; at age 14, in the summer between my high-school freshman and sophomore years, having decided that NJ ROTC wasn't really doing it for me, I grew my hair out past my shoulders. So it has been, with only the briefest and most minor interruptions, (Mohawk here, sides and back shaved there, all of it just barely short enough to spike up for half a summer...) ever since. I kind of assumed I'd keep it long for as long as I could keep it. Many different colors, sometimes in corn-rows, once in micro-braids, mostly in a pony-tail, I think I understand now that I kept it out of laziness. I have the straightest, finest hair. It almost never tangles. It also never stays styled. When I could tie it up behind my head, that was it, I could ignore it. I'm impressed now with how bizarre it is to be acutely aware, at all times, of the exact position of every hair on my head. OK, maybe not the exact position, but I'm certainly aware when any hair is not in the position I had assigned it. How does anyone accomplish anything? It is incredible that civilization has not collapsed around people's hairstyles. From now on, I'm only trusting pony-tails, dreadlocks, and bald heads to get anything done.
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